Weapon Sheathing and Drawing

1 minute read


When the Player presses the R key, the Character changes into Combat Mode, which makes them ready for combat.

If the Character has a Weapon equipped, pressing R would toggle Sheathing and Drawing the Weapon. If no Weapon was equipped, the Character would be ready for melee combat.

Sheathing and Drawing is done in two parts: the first being setting up the Character for combat and the second being the attachment of the Weapon to the Hand/Sheath.

Sheathing Setup

void AMain::SheatheWeapon()
	bInCombatMode = false;
	bAttacking = false;

	if (bIsWeaponDrawn && EquippedWeapon)
		bIsWeaponDrawn = false;

		// Play the Sheath sound
		if (EquippedWeapon->OnSheathSound)
			UGameplayStatics::PlaySound2D(this, EquippedWeapon->OnSheathSound);

		// Play the Sheath Animation
		UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = GetMesh()->GetAnimInstance();

		if (AnimInstance && UpperBodyMontage)
			AnimInstance->Montage_Play(UpperBodyMontage, 1.0f);

			if (EquippedWeapon->bIsTwoHanded)
				AnimInstance->Montage_JumpToSection(FName("SheatheWeapon_TwoHanded"), UpperBodyMontage);

			else AnimInstance->Montage_JumpToSection(FName("SheatheWeapon_OneHanded"), UpperBodyMontage);

The above function sets up the Character for Sheathing the Weapon. Attaching the Weapon to the Sheath is done by a BlueprintCallable function, TimedSheathe:


void AMain::TimedSheathe()
	if (EquippedWeapon)


		const USkeletalMeshSocket* SheathSocket = GetMesh()->GetSocketByName(EquippedWeapon->SheathSocketName);

		if (SheathSocket)
			SheathSocket->AttachActor(EquippedWeapon, GetMesh());

This function is called as an Anim Notify in the Sheathing Animation, at the moment where the Character is about to release the Weapon.

Sheathing One-Handed

Drawing Setup

void AMain::DrawWeapon()
	bInCombatMode = true;

	if (!bIsWeaponDrawn && EquippedWeapon)
		bIsWeaponDrawn = true;

		// Play the Draw sound
		if (EquippedWeapon->OnEquipSound)
			UGameplayStatics::PlaySound2D(this, EquippedWeapon->OnEquipSound);

		// Play the Draw Animation
		UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = GetMesh()->GetAnimInstance();

		if (AnimInstance && UpperBodyMontage)
			AnimInstance->Montage_Play(UpperBodyMontage, 1.0f);

			if (EquippedWeapon->bIsTwoHanded)
				AnimInstance->Montage_JumpToSection(FName("DrawWeapon_TwoHanded"), UpperBodyMontage);
			else AnimInstance->Montage_JumpToSection(FName("DrawWeapon_OneHanded"), UpperBodyMontage);

The above function sets up the Character for Drawing the Weapon. Attaching the Weapon to the Hand is done by a BlueprintCallable function, TimedDraw:


void AMain::TimedDraw()
	if (EquippedWeapon)

		const USkeletalMeshSocket* RightHandSocket = GetMesh()->GetSocketByName(EquippedWeapon->HandSocketName);

		if (RightHandSocket)
			RightHandSocket->AttachActor(EquippedWeapon, GetMesh());

Similarly, this function is called as an Anim Notify in the Sheathing Animation, at the moment where the Character is about to grab the Weapon.

Drawing One-Handed

You can view the code of the project here!

In Action

  • One-Handed Weapon
  • Two-Handed Weapon